Monday, February 27, 2012

Working girl

If anyone didn't know already, my husband and I are expecting our first child in about ... 7 weeks. Yikes. Anyway, now that that news is out of the way, I wanted to talk a little bit about work. Or not working as the case may be.

I left my job at 30 weeks. I wasn't in need of doctor-ordered bed rest or having contractions or anything. I just knew that I didn't want to be there anymore. I loved my job for the two years I did it. I never wanted to be one of those women who work till they head to the hospital. My job required early mornings, all-day standing, and other physical demands that I was ready to say good-bye to. I still have some things I need to be doing at home (ordering supplies, keeping track of narcotics records, etc.) but I feel good about my decision and my boss was supportive of it as well.

There are some things I hope I always remember about my last few weeks and months in offices. I wasn't extraordinarily vocal about my pregnancy but many people found out at some point. As I mentioned, I worked with my boss for two years and as a result, there were people that I got to know fairly well, despite my boss being an independent contractor of sorts with about 15 different offices. I really appreciated some of the things people said to me before I left.

At one office, on a day that we brought in our second round of replacement assistants within a few months, one of the assistants said to me, "They'll never replace you". Nice, right?

At another office, where things tend to go crazy with double booked patients and general stressed out assistants and doctors, one assistant remarked to someone else that she "loves it when Chelsea is here. It's less chaotic" (this was my first time showing up at that office for several months and she was relieved, I guess).

I also had an experience where both an office manager and my boss said they loved having me around.

At the moment, I can't think of any others that stand out. But it has been so nice to have people come out and express their appreciation for my work over the last while. I really did try to do my best most of the time and I grew so much in the position. It's nice to feel like people noticed my efforts.

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